How does a leading CEO make great people decisions?
Adam Goldenberg, CEO of Just Fab, uses the Harrison Paradox tools to make better people leadership decisions. Here he explains why you should too...

How Harrison changed the game for this company
Tek Systems was able to transform its approach to Coaching based on the Harrison tools. The company assessed, trained and coached 7,000 of its staff using the Harrison tools. This enabled them to ensure that their people were in the right roles for each individual, that development paths were aligned with the aspirations of each employee, and how each employee could be the best that they could be within their role.
The company used the Harrison tools to define its Learning & Development needs. They found that it provided exceptional coaching insights for its Leaders and all employees.
Effective Performance Management Requires Paradoxical Leadership Skills
Factors that interfere with high levels of performance need to be identified and dealt with early and often. Download this White Paper - Self-Defeating Behaviours that Kill Good Work - to learn how the Harrison Paradoxes can help your clients develop their Paradoxical Leadership skills.